Loan Periods, Renewals, Limits, Fees

​Loan Period ​​Renewal Limits ​Format Limits
Undergraduate Students​​
   Books ​28 days* ​unlimited ​none
Audio recordings 28 days ​3 ​none
   ​Video and DVDs 7 days 2 ​none
​   Periodicals ​none – ​ -​
Faculty, Staff​, Graduate Students, Thesis students ​
   Books​ ​Academic year unlimited ​none
   Audio recordings* ​28 days unlimited ​none
   Video​ and DVDs ​7 days unlimited ​none
   Periodicals, Reference​ ​3 days ​0 ​-
Affiliated Borrowers
   Books​ ​28 days ​3 ​10
​   Music CDs ​14 days ​1 ​5
​   Video 3 days​ ​1 ​5
Alumni and Guest Borrowers
   Books​​ ​28 days ​3 ​5

* Limitations may apply

Borrower Categories

Students, Faculty, and Staff
All Trinity College students, faculty, staff and retirees are automatically granted borrowing privileges as long as they are actively enrolled, employed, or retired, and have a current ID card. Trinity retirees also have ILL privileges, which will be granted upon request.

Affiliated Borrowers
Auditors, visiting faculty, and current instrumental instructors will be issued a Special Borrowers Card upon request at the Library & Information Technology desk anytime a supervisor is available. A completed application form and an acceptable form of identification will be required.

Alumni and Guest Borrowers
Trinity alumni can obtain a Special Borrowers Card upon request at the Library & Information Technology desk anytime a supervisor is available.

Faculty, staff, or students from the Boston Library Consortium (BLC) may borrow items if they provide a photo ID and their BLC card.

Faculty, staff, or doctoral students from institutions that are part of the Council of Connecticut Academic Library Directors (CCALD) must submit an application for guest borrowing privileges and present their CCALD card. Applications for a Special Borrower’s Card are available at the Library & Information Technology Desk or by emailing Applicants will be asked for a valid government-issued photo ID before receiving their Special Borrower’s Card. A decision is typically conveyed within one week of application.

Note that a Special Borrower’s Card allows borrowing of Trinity print materials only. They do not include access to the library’s online resources, Boston Library Consortium Collections, or interlibrary loan requests.


Fines and Fees

The library has abolished most fines for materials from the Trinity collection. Exceptions:

  • You will be charged a replacement fee if a book is not returned within 45 days after the due date. At that time the book is declared lost and you will incur the full costs of replacement. Replacement costs become part of your Trinity bill, and may be sizable for some materials.
  • In addition, when a book is recalled it is due back in 7 days. 7 more days after that, the book is declared lost if you have not returned it. After this, all borrowing privileges will be suspended.
  • When you do not return a reserve item by the due date all borrowing privileges will be lost until the item is returned, or if missing you pay replacement fees.
  • Books that you borrow from BLC or other institutions through interlibrary loan may have other fees.
  • Please read all emails from the Trinity Library and other partner libraries about due dates and fines when you borrow a book.

Suspension of Borrowing Privileges

Note that all borrowing privileges will automatically be suspended if any borrower:

  • Has 10 overdue items
  • Has 1 recalled item overdue
  • Has 1 reserve item overdue